Aurora Borealis

The Legend of the Northern Lights

In northern Michigan, the Algonquin native Americans have a legend that the creator god Nanabozho, moved to the far north and lit a huge fire to let his people know he was thinking of them. The Danes thought the lights were swans competing to see who could fly the furthest. Conversely, the Estonians believed that the Northern Lights were sleighs taking guests to a wedding celebration in the heavens.

An Electric Storm

In reality, the northern lights are caused when atoms and molecules travelling in a solar wind collide with atoms in our atmosphere, ionizing them. These tend to congregate towards the poles dubbed to them being magnetically charged.

The Aurora in Alaska

Alaska is reknowned as one of the best places to view the northern lights. This is why it is one of the places I have planned on visiting someday. Although these particles hit earth all year, the best time to view the aurora is between August and April. This is because less daylight results in darker night skies.

Fig. 1 The Northern Lights, Alaska

Where to See It

A variety of options exist to see the Aurora. This includes many attractions such as restauraunts, hiking opportunities, or ways to explore the northern state. Farebanks is reknowned as one of the best places to view the aurora. Another such location is Talkeetna, which sits 115 miles north of Anchorage. It is a historic town that offers a lot of options for entertainment besides being close to Denali National park. If I had to choose a destination to see the northern lights, the park would likely be it.